Monday, February 24, 2014


今日の アクティビティーは4つ(A, B, C, D)あります。

A. ポッドキャストの目標もくひょう(5分)
  Purposes of Podcast Project: Second Look 
  • 前のクラスではコミュニケーションについてブログを書きましたね。今日はここをクリックして、ポッドキャストの目標の一つ、Autonoumous Learnerについて読みましょう。


B. スクリプトの書きなおし(35分)
  Revising Your Script
  1. 先生にもらったコメントを読みましょう。
  2. グループメンバーと話して、スクリプトを書きなおし(revise)ましょう。


C. コメントへの返信へんしん (10分)

  Replying to Comments
  • 先週コミュニケーションのポストにコメントをもらいましたね。もし必要ひつようだったら(if it is necessary)、コメントに返信へんしん(reply)してください。
  • そして、コメントシートを書いてください。
*コメントシートはgoogle docを使ってください。google docの使いかたはここをクリックしてください。)

D. あたらしいブログポスト(10分)

  • 好きなトピックを書いてください。
  • 何を書くかわからない時は(If you don't know what to write)、ホームタウンについて(「ホームタウンはどんなところですか。どんなことができますか。など)書いてください。

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Autonomous Learner

Work towards becoming an autonomous learner

You are all here to take Japanese, and we are sure you expect to learn about the Japanese language and culture from us. In class, you will be learning new vocabulary, grammar, and some aspects of the culture. However, there is more we want you to gain from this class, and that is how to become an autonomous learner.

What does it mean to become an autonomous learner? According to past studies, an autonomous learner:
1. is able to set goals for oneself
2. knows oneself such as learning style, strengths and weaknesses, personality
3. is able to utilize resources to problem-solve
4. is able to voice one’s opinions

In summary, an autonomous learner is a person who can set suitable goals for oneself and follow through until they have been achieved. Let’s think for a moment what it means to be an autonomous learner for the Japanese podcast project.

Suppose you set the goal of conveying the message you would like to convey in Japanese. In order to express your message in Japanese, you need to know which word or grammar pattern is suitable for the specific purpose. If necessary you may need to learn new words or grammar patterns on your own. In that case, you have to know yourself well in order to study in the method that works best for you, set your pace, and monitor yourself.

Next you need to know what resources to use and how to solve a problem when a problem arises. When acquiring information you seek, you need to know where are your resources, and how you can access them. Furthermore, rather than accepting any information as given, you need to develop critical thinking skills to evaluate information before drawing any conclusions. For example, if you do not know a word or a grammar pattern in Japanese, you need to know where you can find them. If you decide to use an online translation tool, you need to check whether or not the translation is accurate by asking someone who knows or checking other online resources.

Also you need to confirm whether others have really understood your message. For example, you need to check the comments which the viewers have left. If most viewers do not understand your message, you need to revise your script. If you do not know what is wrong, you need to ask the viewers why they do not understand.

Lastly you may need to negotiate with or persuade others. In expressing your feelings, thoughts, and opinions, you may encounter differing views from yours and in those cases, it is important to learn to acknowledge or respect their views, but if you think something is not right, you need to negotiate with or persuade others otherwise. On the other hand, you have to expect that your thoughts and opinions may change as a result. Suppose your podcast viewers leave comments which are different from yours. You need to respect them, but if you think they are not right, you need to negotiate with or persuade them. In many cases you cannot attain your goal without others’ consensus. This negotiation skill is very important not only in your native language but also in Japanese.

We have briefly presented the autonomous learning model, however, as we are sure you have all set goals for something and achieved them in your lives, you are already more or less autonomous learners. Moreover, the model changes with times and there is not one model of learning. Therefore learning how to become an autonomous learner is a lifelong goal itself. We look forward to thinking about and discovering how to become autonomous learners with you.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


今日の アクティビティーは2つ(A と B)あります。


A-1. プロジェクトの目的もくてき(purposes)(1分)
  • To think about how you can communicate effectively
  • To work towards becoming an autonomous learner
A-2.  What is "Communication"? (14分)
  1. What do you expect to learn from the podcast project? (List as many as you can.)
  2. What does "communication" mean to you?
Discuss these questions with your group members, and post your own answer in English on your individual blog.
Write "About Communication" for your post title. 
This is due tomorrow (Tuesday, February 18th).

B. ポッドキャストのスクリプト(1st Draft)(45分)


下はべんりなサイトのつかいかたです。If you have time, try these websites.

Reading Tutor

1. おもしろい日本のウェブサイトを読みましょう。
  • 日本のグーグルおもしろいウェブサイトをさがしてください。
  • 読みたい日本をコピーしてください。
  • このブログの右上の「べんりなリンク(useful links)」からReading Tutorをクリックしてください。
  • つぎに、Reading Tutorのボックスの中にテキストをペーストしてください。
  • それから,「日(日本)→英(英語えいご)」の ボタンを クリックしてください。
  • 右に漢字かんじの読みかたと 英語えいごがあります。
  • いちばんいい英語えいごを見てください。
  • 漢字かんじの読みかたもありますから、見てください。

  • ときどき日本がよくありませんから、きをつけてください(Be careful)。
Google Translate


  • このブログの右上の「べんりなリンク(useful links)」からGoogle Translateを クリックしてください。
  • 好きなことばをしらべることができますよ。
  • みなさんも べんりなオンラインツールを しっていますか。コメントしてください。

Friday, February 7, 2014


今日の アクティビティーは4つ(A, B, C, D)あります。


A. ポッドキャストプロジェクトの評価基準ひょうかきじゅん   (5分)
    Criteria for Evaluating Video Podcasts

評価基準ひょうかきじゅん (evaluation criteria)をよんでください。

B. プロポーザル2(30分)
  • 評価基準ひょうかきじゅんとクラスメートのコメントをよくよんでください。そしてもういちどプロポーザルをかきましょう。
  • プロポーザルのかみ(form for Proposal 2)ここです。コースワークスにもあります。(CourseWorks > Files&Resources)
  • あしたまでに(by tomorrow)サブリーダーは先生にメールでおくってください。




D. あたらしいブログ(15分)

  • みなさんの好きな物(本、えいが、おんがく、え、アート、コマーシャルなど)は何ですか。
  • どうしてそれが好きですか。
If you cannot write exclusively in Japanese, use English.