Friday, September 27, 2013

Blog Evaluation Categories

1. Language
2. Content
3. Layout
4. Communication
5. Consideration
6. Frequency
7. Others


  1. John Thompson, Deanna Bennett, Minyun Guan, Xi Zhang

    To make a good blog, at least in the sense that we're using them, posts should be grammatically correct and also attempt to challenge and go beyond language skills. Because we're first year students, it's difficult to make blog posts very original beyond a basic introduction and simple daily activities, but once we have attained a higher level of skill, the aim would be to be descriptive and unique as possible about our lives, interests, etc. in Japanese, as well as post frequently. As of now, we're basically limited to a lesson to lesson content based post.

  2. かわいエミリとカナダ・チョトとビッキ・リャオ
    language - try to use lessons and grammar from the week to communicate an understanding of new materials. Use as much japanese as possible but don't be afraid to use english if you don't know how else to use it.
    content - each post should have a general theme or there should be a conversation that caries throughout the post. Content should be interesting.
    layout - blog should be easy to navigate and each post should be clear.
    communication - comment when you can on other people's blogs. Attempt to be clear in your writing by following grammar rules in both english and japanese.
    consideration - posting appropriate content and commenting kindly and appropriately.
    frequency - post at least as much as is assigned and required.
    others - have fun with it!

  3. reliablity of posts is pretty crucial if you want anyone to read your blog. accessible writing style and visual layout (no one wants to look at strobe lights while reading). Quality writing, but should be casual and engaging. Must have an interesting life, or at least lots of interesting ideas. If you don't have interesting things to say, it's pretty much a diary. Write about your feelings or something as well. If you have feelings. Don't be mean. If you're going be mean, do it in person. post links to discussion topics. Make sure they're good links.

    Natalie Lin
    Andrew Weber
    Bo Li

  4. Sining Gu, Cory Fitz

    Language - If you look up new things to say in Japanese, add an English translation for the other students

    Communication - Reply to blog comments

    Content - Use multimedia to make the blog more interesting

    Frequency - Post outside of class if possible

  5. Group: Alfred Tsai, Kadaja Brown, Victoria Tissot, Huiwen Ma

    The blog should demonstrate a learning process in the Japanese language. It is a great way to use the language on a regular basis than just learning a language in a classroom. We should use the grammar and vocabulary we learned as much as possible. By practicing Japanese regularly in this blog, we will be able to become more fluent as with our native language. We believe that a good blog should have recent content, pictures that makes your blog look personal, comments from peers, and exploration of Japanese culture.

  6. Aida Cheng, Emily Meng, Yoo-Nah Park

    Our blogs provide a platform for us to apply what we have learned in the classroom. Therefore, we should use as many grammar structures and vocabulary as we can in our posts. For content, it would be best to talk about interesting subjects such as extracurricular activities, interests, food, or comparisons between Japanese and American cultures. If we receive comments, we should respond as promptly as possible. Frequency-wise, we should update our blog at least once a week.

  7. Group: Mengmeng Xi, Haiqing Zhang, Regina Zmuidzinas, George Martin

    A good blog is nice to look at, has a good layout, and has some kind of organizational system. There should be pictures and videos to supplement the text, which should be interesting, readable and have correct grammar. It is also important that there is context to the written content - you don't want to leave the reader confused. Users should post frequently, or at least on a regular basis and be interactive with their followers by replying to comments as well as by writing comments on other blogs.

  8. Group: Kalena Zimmerman, Rachel Lim, Joseph Lee, Casey O'Brien

    A good blog should be updated frequently, preferably weekly. It shouldn't be just a two-sentence entry but something that can demonstrate improvement, getting progressively more comprehensive. Another thing that would be good to have on your blog is to extend beyond strictly text; something visual, such as a photo for example, would be nice. Also, because we would want to see growth in proficiency, posting on a variety of topics which requires a variety of vocabulary would encourage this goal. An interactive blog would be a good blog, so it would be a good idea to reply to comments as well!

  9. Corin Coetzee, Zachary Weiss

    1. Language: Use all of the vocabulary and grammar that has been learned in class and try to use it in as complex a way as possible. Use English only to explain difficulties or thoughts related to what is being learned in class on the basis that other students may share these issues.

    2. Content: Make it interesting and relevant, but keep in mind the limitations of what has been learned in class.

    3. Layout: Focus on readability. Don't sacrifice the writing or the content for the sake of the layout.

    4. Communication: Consider the class as your audience and try to be as clear as possible.

    5. Consideration: Keep in mind the amount of Japanese that has been learned and can be read by other classmates and try to be respectful and thoughtful in writing and responding.

    6. Frequency: At least once a week.

  10. Group: Emanuel Zornberg, Bre Leslie-Skye, Sara Heiny

    Becoming a good blogger in Japanese:

    1. Utilize relevant and recently studied grammar structures and vocabulary in order to gradually improve your Japanese skills. Each blog should demonstrate improvement from the previous ones.

    2. Post frequently, being sure to post at least once a week. This will insure that you have an opportunity to apply the material learned in class that week.

    3. Present the blog in an easy-to-follow layout by dividing larger and more complex ideas into smaller, more concise paragraphs.

    4. Be considerate of other bloggers. Be constructive, not destructive, in your criticisms and comments on the work of others. Be respectful and considerate of those who have devoted the time to checking over your blog, responding politely when it is necessary.

  11. Alorah Saffran, Tianyang He, Jack Crawford

    1. Use proper grammar and engaging diction. Diverse vocabulary.
    2. Write about interesting things... Opinions, life events, friends, etc.
    3. Blog should look unique and reflect the things you write about. Some pictures but not too many. Original blog title. Well labeled sections and posts.
    4. Respond fully to comments.
    5. Carefully consider your thoughts before posting them on the blog.
    6. Post often.
    7. Don't forget about your blog.

  12. Christie Corn, In Sung Song, Serena Solin

    1) Try to utilize most recent grammar and vocab.

    2) Try to write about personal, not generic, events.

    3) Use photos, videos, and links to supplement the writing.

    4) Try to make the layout of the blog entertaining and unique.

    5) Make the layout as easy to follow as possible.

    5) Always reply to comments.

    6) Be polite and considerate both in your own posts and your comments. Try to incorporate both constructive criticism and compliments.

    7) No inappropriate topics.

    8) Post more often than what is required.

  13. Suwa, Sherry, Crystal

    What makes a good blog?
    -nice, easy to read layout
    - aesthetically pleasing
    -interesting content
    -snapshot into your life
    -pictures, videos, etc
    -no typos
    -regular frequency
    - respectful to other people's comments
    -engage/answer comments
    -practice your Japanese

  14. Kaylen Okada, Sara Taffel & Doori Song

    A good blog will use understandable language that is grammatically correct and somewhat challenging for the writer to write and reader to read. It should contain information about the writer that is both entertaining and original. The reader and writer of blogs should feel emotionally and mentally enriched after each encounter. Effective communication can be measured by the frequency of dialogue and the level of intimacy in the content of the posts. Yes or no answer questions should be kept minimal. Bloggers should also be considerate about the propriety of their posts. They should be courteous and not offensive. Setting goals is also important for bloggers. For example, a blogger may aim to design a blog that receives more than 10 visits a day. This type of goal will keep a blogger determined to follow the suggestions mentioned above. Most importantly, a good blog should be fun!

  15. To create a good blog we should use correct grammar and spelling, but still try and use new words and more complex sentences to improve the writer's and the reader's language skills.
    Posts should engage the reader, and make them think. In the same way, your layout should be aesthetically pleasing and make reading posts comfortable to the reader.
    The blog should have posts about the student's daily lives and how their Japanese classes have been going. It would be very interesting to write about Japanese culture, what we learned about it and how it compares to our own.
    A good blog will post regularly as well as reply in a timely manner to all the comments.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. 1) once a week
    2) language should be easy to understand, casual, grammatically correct
    3) cute pictures, easy to follow
    4) post should relate to one topic

    Group Members: Anna Wen, Meng Yang Li, Nicholas

  18. Alex, Kendall, James

    - Effective language that challenges the writer while being clear and easy to understand for the reader
    - Pictures to aid the reader and understanding along with personal anecdotes
    - Should be simple and clean, not be very busy and cluttered. Should be also dated and organized in a way to easy to follow
    - Should communicate well in the Japanese language as well as be able to express inner thoughts well
    - Post comments that do not criticize but more facilitate discussion
    - Post a comment weekly at least
    - Have fun

  19. Molly Jacobson, Adam Shoshani, and Bill Nguyen

    Blog posts should employ culturally appropriate language that includes both new vocabulary and grammatical structures we've learned in class. In terms of content, these posts should be safe for work (i.e., no gross pictures) and relate largely to the challenges we encounter while learning Japanese. Each entry should fill about a paragraph's space and tell an engaging story. Furthermore, to keep the reader's attention, students must make their blogs eye-catching, well organized, and representative of their personalities.

    Not only will students be writing about themselves, but they should respond to comments as well as leave their own on other people's blogs. Needless to say, such comments should be polite and, ideally, ask questions that invite an ongoing discussion. Finally, everyone should try to post at least twice a week to keep the love of Japanese alive!

    P.S. Be funny.

  20. Georgette Hoffmann, Brianna Brown, Hannah Kim
    Matsui Sensei - Section 4

    Having discussed what would make a good blog, we agreed that a blogger should strive to do the following:

    1. In terms of language, blog posts should be grammatically correct and easy to follow.

    2. The content should be entertaining as well as informative. Therefore, as much detail as possible should be given and the author of the blog should give lots of context in order to allow the reader to immerse themselves in the topic of the reader.

    3. The layout should be aesthetically pleasing, but it should also be clear and informative. Additionally, the layout should essentially be a representation of the blog author him or herself. The layout should give a good idea of who exactly the blogger is.

    4. Blog posts should be open to comments and consideration. That being said, the blogger should do their best to make points that the readers feel free to comment upon. The blogger should make points that are interesting and that make the reader want to react and interact with the blogger.

    5. Bloggers should be courteous of the readers of their post, and as such, should be wary of posting inappropriate and disrespectful language and images. The writers should be sensitive of cultural differences and therefore should be respectful of others opinions and concerns.

    6. Update frequently and keep on top of assignments. The blogger should update as much as possible as he or she sees fit. When inspiration or something particularly striking occurs in relation to the Japanese language, the blogger should feel encouraged to post about it and share it with others.

    7. Have fun and see the blog project as less of an assignment, but more of a experience that allows you to discover more about yourself and the Japanese culture! ^^

  21. Anna Raskind, Ben Lerner, Jiayi Xiao

    1. Use Japanese whenever possible, and translate the content interesting

    Type with the syntax you’re familiar with, but translate new words as needed. Use vocabulary and grammar used in lessons and incorporate them as soon as possible.

    2. Post beyond what is required – share thoughts on the class, cultural findings, or anything interesting you encounter that you can share in Japanese!

    3. Make sure the blog is aesthetically pleasing – break thoughts into paragraphs and give each post a theme to make it more organized.

    4. Respond promptly to all comments and explore other blogs and comment on them as well.

    5. Be candid but not blunt; be patient with foreign student commenters whom you might not understand right away.

    6. Aim for one post a week beyond what is required.

    7. Include multimedia – pictures, videos, songs, gifs – anything to make your blog more fun than it already is!

  22. Jesse Shaw, Jack Neubauer, Regina Yang

    1. Language - Grammatically accurate through peer editing. Applies vocabulary learned in class. Practices grammatical structures from lessons.
    2. Content - Completes assignment. Attempts creativity. Reflects the individual.
    3. Layout - Has color. Pretty. Uses graphics.
    4. Communication - Gives thoughtful ad constructive comments. Responds to everyone's comments.
    5. Consideration - Uses respectful language. Knows the difference between formal and informal registers. Responds to comments within a reasonable amount of time.
    6. Frequency - Completes all assignments. Attempts to post more frequently.
    7. Others - Writes Hiragana for any Kanji used. Avoids inappropriate material.

  23. What makes a good blog?? by Jamie, Jose, Ben and Florence

    1. Language -- Correct grammar: Use proper vocabulary and terms which you have firm understanding, and convey what you mean. If you are confident, you can always go beyond by referring to dictionaries or ask teachers.

    2. Content -- Make a point! Don't write your blog like you're writing diaries. There should be a unique approach to the topic of every post. Provide a fresh perspective and engage the readers.

    3. Layout -- Make sure it's organized and easy to navigate. Be mindful to background images.

    4. Communication& Consideration -- Appreciate commentors' comments and fellow bloggers, so that everyone can exchange ideas freely. Create open dialogue.

    5. Frequency -- Post regularly. Be considerate of length of your posts.

    6. Others -- Have fun. Use it wisely as an opportunity to improve language skills. ENJOY!!!

  24. Dongxu Wu, Tristan Revells, Qing Sun, Ruby Mercure

    1. Language: We think that a good blog post uses relevant vocabulary and also is mostly made up of the vocabulary that we have learned in class. If you use words that you find in a dictionary without context, you may use them incorrectly. This also allows your fellow students to best understand what you are saying. Try not to use sentences that are excessively long; this could result again in incorrect grammar, and also make your post difficult for your classmates to understand. Shorter, simpler sentences are easier for you to construct and your classmates to read. However, using the same sentence patterns repeatedly will result in a boring post; you also won’t learn much if you are constantly using the same patterns.
    2. Content: Use sentences that you learn in class as a model for what you should discuss in your blog. Try to incorporate as much of the vocabulary that you have learned into your postings as possible. Try to incorporate the correct grammar to describe your daily life.
    3. Layout: Change paragraphs when you change your topic to make it visually clear for your readers to understand. You can also add pictures or videos to make your posting easier to understand. This can also help when you are not too sure if you are writing what you want to express correctly. A balance of Japanese and English will also be useful for the writer and readers.
    4./5. Communication/Consideration: Try to really write in Japanese and not just translate what you think in English to Japanese. Make sure you respond to any comments that you receive on your postings and to read and comment on other students’ blogs. Try to select topics that students in both countries (Japan and America) will understand so that there is much common ground to discuss. Make sure that you are polite and respectful when communicating with others, especially if you do not know them in person.
    6. Frequency: Try to post whenever you feel you can write a relevant post or learned new material that can help you to write a new post. Even if you are not posting, try to read other students’ blogs on a regular basis and make sure that you respond to comments in a timely manner.
    7. Try to browse other schools’ blogs as much as possible so that you can learn from them.
