Friday, April 11, 2014


今日の アクティビティーは3つ(A, B, C)あります。


A. ポッドキャストのコメントをもらうアイデア(10分)

みなさんがんばってポッドキャストを作りましたね。いろいろな人に見てもらえるといいですね。メンバーといっしょにアイディアをかんがえて、このブログのコメントらん(THIS blog's comment section)に書いてください。日本語でも英語でもいいです。グループの名前も書いてください。
(Since you have put so much effort into your project, it'd be great to have many different people watch your video. Discuss in groups how you can publicize your video. Then, share what you discussed by writing in this blog's comment section. You may write in either Japanese or English. Include your group name.)

  • いろいろな人にポッドキャストを見てもらいたかったら、何ができると思いますか。(What can you do to have many different people watch your podcast project?)
  • 日本人や日本語が分かる人に見てもらいたかったら、どうしたらいいと思いますか。(What do you think you should do to have Japanese people and those who understand Japanese watch your video?)


B. クラスメートのポッドキャスト(35分)
  1. じぶんのクラスメートがつくったポッドキャストを見てください。(28日(月)にpeer evaluationします。)
  2. 日本語でコメントを書いてください。(日本語で書けなかったら、英語でもいいです。)
  3. もし時間があったら、ほかのセクションの学生が作ったポッドキャストも見てみましょう 。



(If you see an advertisement/commercial, try refreshing the browser.)

C. あたらしいブログポスト(15分)
  1. 好きなトピックでブログを書いてください。
  2. 何を書いたらいいかわからなかったら(If you don't know what to write)、
  • 「私のしゅうかん(e.g., 毎日水を2リットル飲んでいます)」
  • 「Placeでできること(e.g., Hamilton Hallで安い映画のチケットが買えます)」
  • 「みなさんは知りませんが、じつは(actually)私は~ができます/できません!(e.g., 私は10mしかおよげません!)」


  1. Columbia Tour Group - Lizzie, Molly, and Deanna
    For both non-Japanese speakers and Japanese speakers alike, taking advantage of social networking would be a great way to spread our project. Sharing the video on popular websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube would ensure that many people get a chance to see it. Also, to target Japanese-speakers and Japanese-learning populations in specific, we could also post the video on the front page of Columbia's Japanese program website.

  2. Our group, Asian Community, can share our podcast on Susan's YouTube channel and blog, We can also share it on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+ and social networks in other countries in Asia, such as, Weibo, etc. We can search for other culture blogs that are related to our theme and introduce ourselves to other writers.

    We can reach out to Japanese-related organizations such as JAA, Japanese Chat Club, Columbia Japanese Language Club, Friends of Japan, Japan Society, etc. There are also Meet Up groups for people who speak Japanese and are learning to speak Japanese.

  3. グループ チョコリス: To have different people watch our podcast project, we should post it on various video sharing websites such as youtube, vimeo, as well as our personal blogs and social media cites like facebook or tumblr. To reach a japanese audience, we should post it on japanese video sharing websites and blogs.

  4. Lazy Gourmet Group (Emily, Kendall, Aida, Zi): Each of our group members will post the video to our blogs and will tell our friends about the video project. Also, we can reach out to various Japanese cultural organizations to attract more Japanese audience.

  5. Our group, コロンビア大学の図書館グループ, can share our podcast on our respective facebooks and blogs. We can also try to upload it to our personal youtube channels so that people may be able to see it when looking at Columbia related videos. Finally, since our title will be in Japanese, Japanese students who are interested in Columbia will be able to search it. We want to expand to a Japanese audience to make it searchable for those in Japan.

  6. Each member of our group, Dream Team, will share the video on our individual blogs so that our readers will be able to access the link easily and watch our podcast. We can also share the video with our Japanese friends and family so that we have Japanese viewers as well. Additionally, we will put the video on youtube and potentially other social media outlets, like twitter.
    - Caroline, Emily, Corin (DREAM TEAM)

  7. Our group, みんなの料理, can share the video with all our friends and share it via social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other networking sites. This will allow others to see our video and gain an understanding of cultural differences in food and cuisine. We can also share the video with our peers and family. In order to make it more accessible, we can include translated subtitles and captions so that people can understand in both English and Japanese.

  8. Our group, BGB Entertainment, will share our video on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites in order to let others know about our video. We can add tags that will increase our exposure in searches. We can also share our video with friends (and family) and hopefully they will like it enough to share with others too.

  9. Ricardo's Angels will publicize out podcast by sharing in on our respective Facebook accounts, Twitter accounts, and various other relevant social media websites. In addition, we will upload our video to our blogs and write posts about the experience of making the videos that share what we have learned during the process. Furthermore, we would like to find a way to share the video with the other schools that have collaborated with Columbia's Japanese program in the past.
    Finally, we will include a link to the script in our blog posts so that people can follow along with the video in order to understand as much as possible of the podcast.

  10. Our group can post the video on various social media sites like Youtube, Instagram, reddit, etc. We can also post it to japanese grammar tutorial websites in the forums. Finally, to reach more native japanese speakers, we could post on the Japanese youtube or label it in Japanese. Jessi, Tristan, Saffron.

  11. Our group, Group Number One, plans on sharing our video on social media such as facebook. We'll also post it on our blogs to increase exposure. To reach out to the Japanese viewers, we plan on posting on Japanese blogs and popular Japanese sites.

  12. 1. Share it on social media.
    2. Add subtitles to help Japanese speakers understand our accents.

  13. We can promote our video on social media websites like Facebook and Tumblr. Since our video is posted on Youtube, we can turn off the unlisted setting so anybody can search for the video. We can also post the video to our own blogs so people already interested in Japanese can view it.
    - Emily, Sara, Nina

  14. Group He San's Life's ideas on how to publicize our video!

    --We could have our sensei send our videos to Japanese college students at Ritsumeikan University with whom we'd been paired to solicit their feedback and have them vote on their favorites. Just like we did last semester for their advertisement drawings!

    --We could post our video on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter with appropriate hashtags.

  15. MJR Jose, Ruby, Michael

    To publicize it, it seems like a good idea to put in on other websites. Promote it on YouTube itself. To have Japanese speakers watch the video, put the title in Japanese on YouTube. Post about it in our blog. To non Japanese speakers, one can put English subtitles on it.

  16. Kanwa Group

    --We have published our video in YouTube and we could upload it in other websites. Moreover, we can advertise it on Facebook and ask our friends to give some feedback.

    --We can have our Japanese friends watch our videos. Besides, we will publish it on some Japanese forums, such as 2ch and yahoo Japan.

  17. Group 大きい机

    Our group believes that the easiest way to start disseminating our video would be to post it on various social media websites. Youtube, Dailymotion, and Twitter are prime sites to start sharing our video with friends and family. The same idea can be extended Japanese sites. A common website for video uploading and live streaming in Japan is ニコニコ動画(どうが). From there we could also go to uploading our video to popular Japanese forms like 2-ch.
    -Tosin, Ben, Jamie, Melissa

  18. Baja,

    To promote the video we think it would be best to consolidate all videos from our class section on a single Youtube Chanel and then share it on Japanese language sites and forums. Though the projects are diverse, each group entered into this particular project with language learning in mind. Due to this, viewers will be able to enjoy multiple scenarios and even draw from a number of potentially applicable techniques to benefit their language learning and cross-cultural engagement. To supplement this, relevant tags connecting the videos to Japanese language learning, business formality and even references to specific institutions of note (Japan Society) would help the collection of videos to reach a larger audience.
