Tuesday, December 3, 2013


今日はオーラルしけん (Oral Exam)です。がんばってください。

Please do the following activities before and/or after you take the final oral exam.

1. Additional Request from Ritsumeikan University (5 min):

Ritsumeikan University asked if we can provide some comments on the artworks you voted last week.

Your instructor has emailed you the URL link to the artwork you were assigned to comment. Please check your e-mail, click the link, and make a BRIEF comment either in English or Japanese. 

For the comments, look at the artwork and read the descriptions. Then write whether or not their ideas or suggestions regarding new flavors, packaging, items, and events are feasible or valuable for Amy’s stores in the U.S.

2. If you haven't finished the Blog Peer Evaluation, please click HERE to go to "12月4日のActivities".

3. If you haven't finished the Blog Project Evaluation, click HERE to see the form.

4. If you haven't finished the Course Evaluation, click HERE to go to Courseworks@Columbia.

5. If you still have time, click HERE to play "日本ごJeopardy".   Enjoy!